I Do Drugs 4 Days In A Row (Not Recommended)

Day 1. Mid autumn festival, evening. There I was, laying down on my friend's lap on the couch, smoking cigarettes and drinking white wine. The ambience was beautiful, all the people I loved were around, and the light bulb started blurring. Later that night, I smoked weed from a pipe. Nothing really happened. I think I have abnormal high tolerance or something, even though I only smoked once in a while.
Day 2. I wasn't too excited about doing my computer science assignment. I'm entering my third year and I think it's time I'm being honest with myself that CS is not my thing. To make it a bit more tolerable, I decided to took some edibles to get the ball rolling. The edibles were THC and CBG, which supposed to make me feel energetic and focused. Yet, I was bored out of my mind and got sleepy after finishing the whole tube of 10mg. But that's it, I wasn't high or anything.
Day 3. I started to get frustrated. How the hell could I not get high? I tried again with another 10mg of edibles. I took them all. THC and CBN. Sleepy, yes. High, not really. These ain't shit. I didn't submit my assignment that day. Nothing really matters.
Day 4. I got out and bought 2 gram of milk chocolate shrooms. I took the first half and waited for 30 minutes. This time, things started to kicking in. A lot of sensations, my body started melting, the tingling running through my veins. In the background X's by Cigarette After Sex was playing. Different scenarios flashed through my eyes. Were they my memories or something I just made up? I'm not sure. I took the other half shortly after. Am I falling without knowing I'm falling? Am I downward spiral? Am I living? Is this the way I'm supposed to live my life? I almost cried but I wasn't really crying. I wasn't feeling sad either, I was euphoric. Yet I was lonely.